Saturday, September 19, 2009

I Love My Family

I have a wonderful family!  My husband is a hard working traveling service engineer, my son is a 16 year old who's driving and short term memory loss keep the gray hair a comin', my daughter is a 4 year old high maintenance tomboy.  She likes purses and fishing poles, princesses and frogs and a she has a high pitch whine that drives the dogs in the neighborhood crazy.  These are the people that make life worth living and Zanax worth taking.  I miss them terribly when they're gone but love getting up early before them to enjoy a cup of coffee in peace.  I work 40 hours a week as an accountant and 60 hours a week taking care of them.  I'm either running to dance class, running to the grocery store, refereeing a fight between 2 kids in the backseat, doing a load of laundry, balancing a check book (home and work), letting the dog out, letting the dog in, sweeping up dog hair, cleaning the house, changing the sheets, changing the menu or changing my mind.  Shopping is my therapy.  It's not about spending's about having something new.  Purses and electronic gadget-y things provide the most therapy but even a new outfit for the 4 year old will provide relief.  I'm hoping my only little blog world will provide a less expensive therapy because the other one is a little hard on the wallet.

Somedays I feel a little bit... closer to crazy!